Build native apps in Javascript using Vue.js has become one of the most popular solutions due to the easy learning curve of this tool. If you’re used to component-based workflow with props, you will find things familiar with Vue. Developers who have experience with Angular or React will find familiarity with directives in the framework. Vue native allows developers to spend more time building rather than writing boilerplate code. It was created to be the modern framework for Javascript that you can get up and running quickly. It’s lightweight, flexible, and uncomplicated. Vue is designed to be highly adaptable and easy to integrate with other libraries.
What is Vue Native for Build Native Apps?
Vue.js is a progressive Javascript framework for building apps with 100% API access without needing to rely on plugins. It enables you to create apps for both iOS and Android. Vue Native allows you to use CSS along with the CSS Scoped Style for creating the design you need.
This new Javascript framework was supported and built by Evan You in 2014, a former employee at Google. It was born thanks to You’s idea to extract the part he liked about Angular, making it more lightweight without additional concepts involved. The framework gives you the ability to share code with other developers. Many large and well-known companies are using Native script for their mobile app development. The silt of these companies includes Deloitte Digital, Samsung, Audi, Cigna, ADP, Qualcomm, Fidelity, Volvo. Vue.js has been downloaded at least 2.8 million times and has more than five thousand stars on Github.
What makes Vue Native a good choice for building native apps
As a truly good solution for building a native app, Vue.js has a set of advantages you should know of:
- Any changes you make are live synced quite quickly and there are even specific tools to make your Vue app development faster (for example, Bit’s open-source platform, Storybook, or Vue loader and Vue-CLI).
- Vue.js is a highly approachable software, especially if you’re already familiar with CSS, HTML, or Javascript. You’ll be able to begin building a cross-platform app quickly if you know these languages.
- Vue is comparable to React since it utilizes a virtual Document Object Model (DOM) and Vue code is compiled down into React native code. It’s a great choice for fast mobile app development.
Vue achieves reactivity by tracking changes and automatically updating the DOM. One of Vue’s major advantages is its speed, capable of rendering and updating thousands of elements of the DOM every second.
Overall, Vue has many benefits including:
- Lightweight size
- Excellent documentation
- Easy to start
- Progressive, can be used as a replacement for jQuery
- Supports JSX
Benefits of having a native app for your business
After discovering the benefits of Native Vue you may wonder if you really need a native app for your business if you already have a web app. There are several ways your business can benefit from rolling out a native application.
- Vue drives in truly large scalability, so businesses don’t need to worry about the issues with multiple users on your app.
- You can use Vue Native to organize the user interface development, greatly simplifying this process.
- With Vue Native, you won’t have any copyright concerns, as it’s under the MIT license.
- Vue Native is adaptable, so you can easily integrate it into big projects for your front-end development.
- They are effective and quickly engage the interest of the customer. A native app would allow you to communicate the launch of new services, products, promotions, discounts, and features.
- Business owners can better understand their target audience by acquiring information such as geographical location, demographics, and behaviours related to shopping.
All of this data serves to benefit marketing campaigns and allows you to develop better strategies. A native app helps you build brand recognition and a greater connection with your customer or audience through notifications. Many sales happen because of apps.
Sure, you can make a purchase on a company site instead. However, here’s what tends to happen: the site builds awareness, and the application makes the sale. Why? Likely because apps are fast, interactive, and allow for simple navigation.
Site navigation is typically more complex, thus taking a long time to make a sale. Apps are a great way to get your customer’s attention because not all companies have apps. Developing a native app for your business will give it greater visibility since many searches occur while travelling with a mobile device.
Features of Vue Native
Vue.js has a heavy focus on the view layer, which explains the name.
- Data binding: Data binding is a feature that helps assign or manipulate the values of HTML attributes. It also helps alter the style as well as use a binding directive to assign classes. The binding directive is available with Vue.js and is referred to as v-bind.
- Virtual DOM: Vue.js uses the same virtual DOM as Ember and React, among others. A replica is made of the DOM rather than actually making changes to the DOM. When changes are made to the data structures, this is compared to the original data structure. Finally, these changes are reflected in the real DOM which can be seen by the user.
- Components: Components are a crucial feature used to create custom elements, reusable in HTML.
- Animation/Transition: With Vue.js, you can apply the transition to elements of HTML when removed, added, or updated in the DOM. It’s possible to increase interactivity by adding a third party animation library.
- Event Handling: Events in Vue.js can be listened to using the v-on attribute.
- Directives: There are directives built into Vue.js including, v-show, v-on, v-bind, v-model, v-else, and v-if. These directives perform different front-end tasks.
- Computed Properties: This is arguably one of the most important features of Vue.js. Computed properties perform necessary calculations by listening to the changes made to UI elements.
- Routing: Vue-router allows for navigation between pages.
- Vue-CLI: You can easily install Vue.js using the vue command line interface (CLI) at the command line. Vue-cli allows you to build the project without any hassle.
- Watcher: Data that has changes made to it has a watcher applied to it. Watcher handles any data changes allowing for fast and clean code.
How to make development with Vue Native even better
This framework is open-source. To begin using Vue Native, it’s necessary to first install React Native. Next, you’ll install the Vue Native CLI. Vue.js works with Vuex, a state management pattern and library for its applications.
The central store consists all of an application’s components. However, you may not find Vuex necessary if you are building a basic app. Vuex is more intended for medium-to-large scale Single Page Application (SPA). If you need a better handle on the state outside of Vue components, opt for Vuex as the next step.
Since Vuex exists, there’s no need to rely on React Router or MobX for your application’s critical components. Vue neatly handles data binding, freeing developers from micromanagement of the DOM. Vue’s answer to this is a two-way reactive system of data-binding.
Bottom line
Vue.js is all about adding greater levels of interactivity to your app effortlessly. For your business, this means bringing on more new cool features to the app quickly, which is always appreciated by users. Moreover, your developers will also appreciate the development of Vue, as it’s a modern mix of JS frameworks, combining ideas from all of them and speeding up the development process.