A brand new Site Builder integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel

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        Aug 3, 2019

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a brand new, sleek and absolutely newbie-friendly Site Builder in Our Web Hosting Control Panel.

It will replace the ages-old Site Studio and is designed to help users build super cool, modern-looking websites from scratch with just a few clicks. 

The new Site Builder is integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel and users can start using it right away. 

Read on below for more details about this cool tool.

What is the new Site Builder about?

Website builders have been trending for more than a decade as an easy solution that takes away all the hassle and upfront costs and helps users to create beautiful websites.

Both individuals and businesses can easily build anything from a single-page site all the way up to professional e-stores.

With the advance of web technologies, website builders now offer multiple opportunities to exploit with a focus on intuitiveness and responsiveness.

The new Website Builder that has been built into the Web Hosting Control Panel reflects the latest progressions in website design.

You can find it in the Web Tools section of the Web Hosting Control Panel:

It is designed to be lightweight, super easy to work with and, most of all, to help users create websites that can look cool on any device.

Literally anyone can build a nice-looking, responsive website within minutes with this tool.

And it can be really fun doing so!

Your customers can forget the plethora of confusing settings that are usually associated with website development.

The new Website Builder will handle them all in the background.

All your customers will see is an easily recognizable point-and-click and drop-and-down layout with content controls.

They will be able to edit the layout of their website, apply styles, add new content in real-time and view all changes on the go.

New Site Builder – key highlights

The new Site Builder is designed to be newbie-friendly.

Absolutely no website building experience or HTML coding knowledge is required to work with it.

A Personal Assistant will be with the user from the very start helping them find their way around easily:

The user will see the core contents of a website such as a menu bar, banner area, text areas, etc. organized in easy-to-work-with modules (content blocks).

This empowers the user to apply their own style to key elements of their website with a click of the mouse.

Here is an overview of the advantages that make the Website Builder a really worthwhile choice for your website:

A content block based site structure

The Website Builder offers easy-to-work-with content blocks for paragraphs, headers, features and more.

Each block supports layout and style controls which allow the user to adjust the look and feel to their liking.

The user just needs to select a predefined content block and update it with their own text and photos.

Also, users can easily add new contents which are separated into 3 types: popular items, text blocks and modules/apps.

Easy control over your website

As mentioned above, the Website Builder requires no technical skills to use.

The intuitive Personal Assistant will make sure the user is on the right track every step of the way:

The user just needs to move their mouse over the content block they want to edit and a handy toolbar will show up with the key editing features such as:

  • an option to easily edit block’s contents
  • move a content block to a desired position
  • add new content such as text and images to a selected content block

A variety of fully responsive website designs to choose from

The Website Builder offers a wide selection of fully responsive website themes to choose from:

New Site Builder - a variety of fully responsive themes

Each theme supports hundreds of customization features and options such as:

  • 6 base theme layouts (with sidebar, with menu on top, with different styles)
  • 6 base menu layouts
  • 13 menu/logo aligns
  • 60 color schemes
  • over 150 professional fonts provided by Google

Site Builder – a few more standout features 

Drag & Drop functionality

Users can easily arrange most of the website contents with simple drag & drop options.

All layout changes made will be reflected across all devices accordingly with no broken elements as with some other drag-and-drop editors.

An easy to use File Manager

With the in-built File Manager users can easily upload their own files from their computer or access over 500 000 professional photos for free from one location:

A multi-menu structure

If the user runs a more complex website with more pages, they can easily organize its contents with the help of menus.

They can easily create separate menus for certain parts of their website, drag & drop to arrange the subpages in a specific menu and even create drop-down submenus.

Also, users can add individual menus to any part of a subpage with a predefined vertical or horizontal layout.

SEO Functions

Along with the site creation functions, the Web Hosting Control Panel for website Builder also comes with in-built SEO features such as custom meta tags and SEO-optimized menu links, etc. that will help users make their new website popular across search engines like Google and Bing.

Web Hosting Control Panel

With the Site Builder, one can easily add a sitemap to their website as well.

A wide range of useful apps and add-on modules for your site

When ready with the base of their website, users can easily add bells and whistles by making use of the integrated apps:

Here are some of the most useful apps website owners should consider for their particular site:


A user can add a blog to their site and expand their audience! The Website Builder offers a simple, intuitive and hassle-free blogging platform that will make starting your own blog a breeze.

Photo Gallery

A user can create a gallery for their site to display their photos in a more visually appealing way to their audience on all types of devices.

Users can easily upload new photos from their local computer and arrange their images in the desired order via simple drag and drop actions.

Contact Form

Users can add a contact form to their website so their customers can easily get in touch with them. One can easily switch ON/OFF certain fields such as (message subject, phone number, fax number, captcha code, etc.)

Live Chat

A user can add a live chat service to their site and communicate with their customers in real-time. They can utilize unlimited chat conversations, automatic messages, and a 14-day chat history. Custom chatbox designs are available as well.

Discussion Forum

A user can make a stronger connection with their audience by adding a forum to their site with the in-built discussion board module, a lightweight and responsive design.

Shopping Cart 

The in-built e-commerce module will help users sell goods like eBooks or photos to their own customers. It supports various payment gateways such as PayPal and 2Checkout and it can be used to create a product catalogue with categories and separate per-item subpages.

Events Calendar

Users can create a calendar of events and embed it on their site for their visitors to keep track of all important events relating to them or their company. Users can create one-time events as well as events which repeat weekly, monthly or even yearly.

Voting Poll

A user can ask for quality feedback from their audience. Using the Vote Poll module they can ask their visitors questions with predefined answers

YouTube Videos

A user can easily add any YouTube video to their website – they just need to enter the respective YouTube Link and the video will be automatically embedded onto their site.

Options for advanced users

If users are well versed in HTML, CSS or JavaScript code they can easily add their own, custom code to any part of the website.

They can add their own scripts and meta tags in the header area of their website as well.

Using the integrated, visual HTML editor, users can apply their customizations by adding custom HTML/CSS/JavaScript code, downloadable files, images, and videos, etc.

An “Include PHP Code” option is available as well. It empowers users to add PHP code to any page content and connect their website to existing databases or forms.

Also, users can customize any of the available design themes on their own with HTML and CSS.

Built-in Help Center

The Website Builder offers readily integrated help along the way.

Once a user launches a new website in their dashboard they will see a short video preview of the tool.

Apart from that, there is a video library that covers the main functionalities of the Website Builder in detail:

In the website menu, users can find a help section with a knowledge base and a personal assistant:

How to start using the Site Builder?

Once the user logs into their Control Panel (section Web Tools), they can start working with the Site Builder right away.

First, they will need to select the host where their new website will be located.

An option to select the default path where the website will load is included too.

Then, the user needs to click on the “Choose a template” button. This will load a list of sleek design themes to choose from:

The user will be able to select another theme if they change their mind about the selected one later on.

Once they hit the “Install” button of the selected theme, they will be instantly redirected to the site builder’s dashboard.

In there, they will be welcomed by a quick site setup wizard that will, in turn, leave them “in the hands” of the newbie-friendly, super-intuitive Personal Assistant mentioned above.

The new Site Builder represents a great selling point for your web hosting portfolio.

Featuring a super-intuitive interface, a variety of modern looking, fully responsive design themes, a wealth of point-and-click, drag-and-drop customization options and a comprehensive Help Center, the New Site builder will help your customers become webmasters of their online presence with minimum effort.

Here is a quick video overview of all key features and functionalities of the Site Builder to look at:

Will Site Studio be discontinued?

We’ll keep supporting websites created with Site Studio. Users who have Site Studio in status “Active” in their accounts will be able to access the tool from the Site Builder (LEGACY) link under Web Tools.

This way, we’ll give Site Studio users enough time to get used to the new Site Builder and move to its user-friendly site creation platform when they feel ready for that.

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