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        Aug 10, 2018

Most Common WordPress Security Issues in 2018

WordPress Security Issues is one of the most used Content Management Systems (CMS) in today’s day and age. Websites find it easier to not only navigate the system but also run their websites seamlessly with Managed WordPress Hosting as their chosen hosting. However, like every other system WordPress too is vulnerable and not completely secure when […]


        Aug 3, 2018

Does Writing Impact UI

We are surrounded by writing impact UI be it in the form of news bulletins, articles, emails, listicles etc. both in the physical and virtual world. It is in this regard, that messages need to be universally understood by everyone irrespective of who is reading them. In this article, we’ll discuss if writing impacts UI […]


        Aug 1, 2018

5 Best WordPress Online Training Courses to Enhance your Skills

WordPress Online Training powers over 31% of the world wide web, be in the form of websites, blogs, e-commerce portals etc. and understanding it is important for the success of your WordPress website. There are several WordPress training courses online, right from learning how to use WordPress to developing applications for WordPress. Depending on your needs you […]


        Jul 30, 2018

Understanding the Difference between Permanent HTML Redirects

HTML Redirects shifting websites from one domain to another is a common scenario especially if users face issues with their existing domains. For example, issues like older websites with static backgrounds or GIFs, websites simply wanting to change the domain name, remodelling websites to be responsive, etc are fairly common. Though changing the URL of […]


        Jul 24, 2018

Importance of Secondary DNS

This facility of multiple providers is basically called Secondary DNS. But then what is DNS in the first place? Domain Name System or DNS (or servers) is basically an internet service that translates domain names into IP (Internet Protocol) address. As IP addresses are numerical they are complex to remember. However, domain names being alphabetical […]


        Jul 17, 2018

What is Gutenberg Editor on WordPress? Pros and Cons explained

We all await the change WordPress is bringing to us with the Gutenberg Editor on WordPress! It is the new core element in WordPress. “The goal of the block editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable.” – From the Gutenberg plugin description on WordPress.org. The latest version of WordPress has a visual […]


        Jul 9, 2018

The Google Chrome 68 Update could Affect your Business

Google will be updating the Chrome web browser to Google Chrome 68 this July to explicitly flag websites that are secure and not secure. We’ve covered this in a blog post earlier but let’s take a deeper look. How does this impact your business? Web security has always been important and through the updated Chrome browser, Google […]


        Jul 4, 2018

SEO Tips for WordPress Blogs and Websites

Introduction: What is SEO and why is it so important? SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results. The SEO process usually involves both technical and non-technical aspects. […]


        Jun 20, 2018

The new fully revamped Hepsia Control Panel is now officially out

The new version of the Hepsia Control Panel, which has been running in beta mode for a few months now, has just been launched officially throughout our network of partners and their clients. You and your customers can now leverage of a fully reworked dashboard, which features a sleek design and offers a much simplified interface […]


        May 16, 2018

New prices for domain names from May 16th

The domain names group of gTLD ‘veterans’ will undergo a parallel price update next week in accordance with several significant market shifts over the last few years. Learn more about the upcoming .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO and .BIZ price updates and see how your domain portfolio will stand against the competition after it takes effect. […]


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