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        Jul 22, 2020

The new PHP 8.0 (Alpha) version has been added to the Control Panel

Recently, the PHP team has announced the first testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Alpha. This has started the release cycle of new PHP 8.0, which is expected to make its official, in-production debut by the end of the year. PHP 8.0 represents a new major version that will introduce some breaking changes, as well as a […]


        Aug 3, 2019

A brand new Site Builder integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a brand new, sleek and absolutely newbie-friendly Site Builder in Our Web Hosting Control Panel. It will replace the ages-old Site Studio and is designed to help users build super cool, modern-looking websites from scratch with just a few clicks.  The new Site Builder is integrated […]


        Dec 26, 2018

SSL certificates now easier to obtain and manage via the Control Panel

The SSL certificates section of the Control Panel now offers a more simplified and intuitive interface for managing your SSLs. You can now generate and add SSL certificates from one place with a click of the mouse. Plus, the SSL generation procedure itself has been streamlined to help you get your certificate faster and easier. What are the new […]


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